Law Office of Shelly Jean John

Can I Get a Divorce If I Don’t Know Where My Spouse Is?

Divorces can happen for multiple reasons since no two relationships are the same. Another scenario is one spouse wanting a divorce and the other doesn't, so they flee. In cases like this, you’ll need to resort to alternative methods of serving divorce papers to ensure you gain the freedom and independence you need.
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Law Office of Shelly Jean John

When Your Ex Is Dragging Out Your Divorce

Divorce is often a difficult time for both parties involved—emotionally, mentally, and financially. Unfortunately, some individuals may prolong the process by using tactics that stall or obstruct the divorce. These tactics can range from subtle to outright offensive.
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Law Office of Shelly Jean John

Understanding the Pros and Cons of a Prenuptial Agreement

Marriage is one of the most important events in a person’s life. So much goes into planning a wedding and preparing for the future. However, one of the very last things people consider in the planning process is a prenuptial agreement.
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Law Office of Shelly Jean John

Family Law FAQs

The area of family law covers a broad swath of legal issues. That’s because “family” is about relationships, from prenuptial and other marital agreements to divorce, child custody, paternity, mediation, domestic violence, and restraining orders.
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Law Office of Shelly Jean John

What Age Does a Child Get to Choose Which Parent to Live With?

In California, children have the right to express their preference of which parent they would like to live with. This is done through a process known as “child’s preference.” However, this right is not extended to all children. The age at which a child can express their preference in California may depend on their individual circumstances and the judge's discretion.
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Law Office of Shelly Jean John

Your Social Media Accounts During a Child Custody Case

Social media enables many benefits. It can provide a great way for a company to market its goods and services. It can keep friends and family up to date on one another’s lives. It can educate and entertain. No matter who is posting, why they are, and what they post, one thing is true. It’s out there for the world to see, read, and judge.
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Law Office of Shelly Jean John

How Long Does a Divorce Take in California?

Filing for divorce is among the possible options to end your marriage legally in California. However, before filing your petition, it is important to know what to expect and how long it will take to finalize your divorce.
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Law Office of Shelly Jean John

My Spouse Filed for Divorce. Will I Have to Go to Court?

Some marriages are on the rocks for years. Then, one day, one spouse reaches their breaking point and files for divorce. In other situations, one spouse may be completely blindsided when they are served with divorce papers. Or, both spouses may come to an agreement together that it is time to divorce.
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Law Office of Shelly Jean John

Dispelling Common Myths About Mediation

Divorce is a stressful and often painful process. There are numerous decisions and agreements former spouses must make throughout the process. While reaching agreements is difficult, divorce mediation can greatly facilitate the process. Because of this, it’s important to be able to dispel any common myths you’ve heard about divorce; doing so will help you avoid mistakes.
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