Shelly Jean John

Why your family law lawyer should Listen Up

Often when someone thinks about hiring a Family Law Lawyer, they want to find someone who is loud and aggressive; someone who will pound on the table, stomp their feet and jump up and down to make sure that each and every one of your concerns “heard” by the Judge. But really, being a loudmouth is not the most important feature of a good attorney.
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Shelly Jean John

How to Respond to Hostile Emails/Texts

HCP’s often cannot stay focused and answer a simple question with a simple answer. They ignore other people’s questions and, instead, they raise new issues of their own – often in an attacking manner. This behavior can be infuriating. Exes know how to push your buttons and email and texts are some of their favorite platforms.
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Shelly Jean John

Parenting Time Trumps Traditions

Judges are humans. They have their history, traditions, values and lenses through which they see the world. They are expected to make orders that are neutral and impartial; yet their decisions are as much based on their subconscious beliefs as upon their conscious reasoning.
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Shelly Jean John

Create Your Rescue Pack (Part 4)

Oprah first made Gratitude Journaling a Must for Americans back in the 90’s and has said it is the single most important thing she has ever done. Oprah taught us back then that when you pay attention to all of the little things in life that are great, you are more alive and receptive to what shows up in your life.
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Shelly Jean John

Create Your Rescue Pack (Part 3)

The next part of preparing for your journey is to condition your body. This entails a combination of Moving Your Body and then Quieting Your Body. If you can do both at the same time (like in Yoga) you’ve really scored!
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Shelly Jean John

Build Your Support Team (Part2)

You would never set off on an arduous camping trip without tools, sleeping bag, and first aid kit; nor would you travel to Europe without a suitcase with your necessities.
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Shelly Jean John

Create Your Rescue Pack (Part I)

Some people think that the best way to get through the journey of divorce, separation or co-parenting, is to know the law. Yes, that is important and there are many resources to learn the law. But what is equally important is ensuring that your mind and body are primed for the journey — and this is not often spoken of.
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